ohmygoods.app - all about product in seconds

Scan barcode and know what inside products on the shelf: additives, nutrients, reviews and more

Main screen

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  • F6S
  • Hacktech 2024
  • AdTech Blog
  • lenta.cy

Every feature you need to make a good decision
Try it for yourself

ohmygoods was built by consumers like you, who want to know exactly what's in the products they buy. When other apps fall short, ohmygoods delivers.

From ingredients to additives and honest reviews, if it matters to you, ohmygoods has it

product details

The сomplete product breakdown

Everything you need to know about every product, in one place. Detailed ingredient lists, hidden additives, honest reviews, and nutritional facts. We uncover the full picture so you can make informed choices and find what truly suits you.

review product

Your voice, their choice

Leave a review that makes an impact and helps others make better decisions. Your feedback is valuable, and we make sure it's heard. Share your thoughts and experiences to help others find the best products.

appearance screen

Non-compromising UI customization

We know that every customer is different, so we've made it easy to customize the app to your liking. From the color scheme to the layout, you can make it your own.

Everything you need for convenience

Discover the extra features of ohmygoods that make your experience even more personalized and convenient

  • Scan history

    Keep track of your past scans and never lose products that you've scanned before

  • Review history

    See what you've reviewed in the past and easily find products you've rated

  • Feed of products

    Stay up to date with the latest products and reviews from other users

  • Translate reviews

    Translate reviews from other languages to understand what other users are saying

  • Be a contributor

    Fix incorrect information, add missing products, and help other users with your knowledge

  • Useful advices

    Get useful advices on how to use the product you bought

Start scanning today

In just 30 seconds, you can download ohmygoods, but the knowledge you gain will last a lifetime.

Don't settle for less

Become a member, support ohmygoods ❤️

Our service is free forever, but with ohmygoods premium, you can show your support and help to improve the service for all of us


Basic features for everyday use

  • Access to the database of all products by barcode
  • Write reviews
  • Multilingual experience - full support of English, Russian and Greek 🌎
  • Nutritional values - carbs, proteins and fats
  • UI customization
  • Show you all food additives and allergens


Support the project and get extra features

  • Full-text search through all products database
  • Turboscan - scan multiple products in a row
  • Search product in the internet through the app
  • Extended nutritional values - vitamins and minerals
  • Deep UI customization
  • Priority on product updates
  • Reviews & product titles autotranslation
  • Your support of developers and the small kitten 🐱

Try premium for free with promocode OMG
Download app and go to settings to activate it

Frequently asked questions

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

    • How do I scan a product?

      Open the app, point your camera at the barcode, and let ohmygoods do the rest.

    • How do I leave a review?

      Find the product you want to review, tap on it, and leave your thoughts in the review section.

    • How do I customize the app?

      Go to settings and choose the options that suit you best.

    • How do I become a contributor?

      If you see incorrect information or missing products, you can fix it yourself or let us know.

    • How do I use the promocode?

      Download the app, go to settings, and enter the promocode OMG to activate premium features.

    • How to find out what additives are in a product?

      Open a product card - we provide a detailed breakdown of all ingredients and additives if it known. Otherwise, you can make photo of your product and send it to us for analysis.